Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday 04/14/10

Thankfully today is Friday. Friday = Pizza lunch, everyone loves a meat feast !

B approved the coffee day, which is always a good thing! I was pleased today was a quiet one...

Though I did endured a few long minutes of a ranting guest, telling me how she is going to lay out her old landlord for trying to sue her for a tree the storm blew over... Gonna punch the Vice Principle of the School her children attend. "You just watch me!"... Well I'd rather not, I leave at noon and don't want to be late for my appointment today!

I must remember to avoid the questions Whats up? and Why?!

I am lucky enough to have the weekends off... but who knows what Monday will bring...


  1. Life at the hotel sounds almost dangerous. My, oh my, what aggressive clientele you have! LOL So, was your appointment later that day at the chiro, I know how you adore the chiro. (ps, I am your very first official "follower", as well as your first "comment", do I get a door prize?)
    xo Lynette

  2. it took me forever to get someone to comment - great work Bridget :) Our friend will be gone Monday, that ONLY means some new exciting surprise awaits! Let's hope it not like that fateful "Wednesday"... Your coffee = fantastic

  3. Barb, what is your blog? I will throw you some comment love as well.
